After the most boring day at work all week I was looking forward to spend the night with around seven of my friends watching Anastasia. Thing did not turn out at all as I had planned. First I did not know where I should go because I did not have the address. Although, I knew what area I should go to. The girl hosting did not answer any of my ten phone calls (not that I actually thought she would, but still). When I finally reach one of the people who are coming I find out I am about 20 km far to south. I have to go almost back to where I work and arrive a bit too early. I help with the food but somehow there is flour all over the stove when I am done. The girl who gave me the address arrives and I find out no one else are coming because they are working, having a migraine or had already made other plans. When we are to watch the movie we find the case but not the film. After looking everywhere and some decision-agony we agree to watch Blood Diamonds. We put the disc in the DVD-player and get ready. But can you imagine, the TV says “no disc”. After trying with other movies without success we start looking for another DVD-player. Luckily F has five sets of absolutely everything and we can watch the movie! Before going to sleep at half past four we ate blueberry-rhubarb pie, candy, fruit salad, we talked, talked, and talked some more, played cards, listened to LPs and I won a “make-the-bed-first”-competition. Thank you so much for a wonderful night! And not to forget; the best part was when L tried to walk out a blocked-up door. Never thought I would stop laughing…
Socks Random Market Stall In Stockholm
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- Coco Chanel